Give to the Parents Fund "Just because our children 'go off to college,' it doesn’t mean that it’s the end of our involvement in their education and their lives. It means that our hands on responsibilities are turned over to them, giving our children not just an academic education but the opportunity to discover what the world has to offer. It’s wonderful to know Student Affairs is there to provide programs that support our students. A donation to the Parent Fund is a small way to insure there continues to be a connection and support system for my children as they find their way to adult independence." - Gloria Pavese Parents Fund gifts will: Increase funding for the safety and security of our students Enhance efforts to create an inclusive environment supportive of diversity Encourage student development and growth through educational, cultural, and professional programming Enrich family and parent involvement, education, and learning opportunities To make a gift, select the amount for the fund(s) you wish to support, then click the “Continue” button below. You will be directed to the University of Illinois Foundation’s secure online giving site for your personal and credit card information. To clear all inputs and selections click "Start over." Parents Fund Gifts of any size will help make a difference for our students and our campus. One hundred percent of your charitable donation will go towards supporting our students. Gift amount forParents Fund $500 $250 $100 $50 N/A Other $ Other Please indicate where to direct the donation Other fund Gift amount for $500 $250 $100 $50 N/A Other $ Submit: Start over: Test Mode? Off